New Lexington Yellow Pages Directory Coming to UK Campus

LEXINGTON, Ky. (June 25, 2012) — The Greater Lexington Area Windstream Yellow Page Directory is scheduled to be delivered to UK's campus beginning Monday, June 25 and concluding on Tuesday, July 3. Berry Advertising, the distributer for Windstream directories, will have a 2-3 person team handling deliveries across campus.
This year, Windstream anticipates delivering 5,600 books across UK's main and medical campuses, down from the 6,350 distributed last year. Deliveries will be made to individual departments on campus. The delivery team will verify a quanitity of books with each department it visits, so the distribution total is subject to change. The team will also return to pick up any extra directories after delivery per request.
Any questions or concerns regarding the directory or the deliveries can be sent to Cynthia Brooks, (859) 218-0309.