Take Back the Night


LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 27, 2012) — The University of Kentucky and the city of Lexington will join the national Take Back the Night 2012 movement with a march and rally downtown on Wednesday, March 28.

Participants are invited to meet at 7 p.m. at one of the march-launch sites, UK's Patterson Office Tower Plaza, Triangle Park or the parking lot of Third Street Stuff on Limestone. The marches will lead everyone to Courthouse Plaza in downtown Lexington where a rally will be held from 7:30-8:30 p.m. with special speakers, musical guests, a candlelight vigil, community resource tables, and more. There will also be an after-party immediately following the event at Third Street Stuff from 8:30-10 p.m.

The UK Violence Intervention and Prevention Center added a Photo Campaign to this year's Take Back the Night experience. Centered around the collective power of the community, this year’s theme is "We March, We Unite, We Declare." Participants were invited to have their photo taken with a word that best fits their connection to this issue; photos will be on display at the event. The photographs are of UK community members expressing their intent to end violence with a personal statement. The photos can also be viewed online at http://www.uky.edu/StudentAffairs/VIPCenter/index.html

Take Back the Night has become a traditional event in communities around the world to protest sexual assault. It began over 30 years ago in a few cities and is observed now in hundreds of cities, towns and college campuses.

“The original purpose was to reclaim the night and the streets,” said Melanie O. Matson, director of the UK VIP Center. “That was in the days before people began to talk openly and extensively about the violence in their lives and learned that most of the violence occurred in their homes and was inflicted by someone they knew. Take Back the Night now offers community members the opportunity to talk about all kinds of violence including the linked oppressions of sexism, racism, classism and homophobia.”

Take Back the Night is one of several events to commemorate Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Kentucky honors this month in March, and it is recognized nationwide in April. Therefore, the VIP Center hosts events throughout March and April. Following Take Back the Night, the VIP Center will host:

  • OutrageUs! The Stalking Project: 4-5:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 4, at VIP Center. A discussion with the founders of the local web-based, nonprofit www.OutrageUs.org The Stalking Project, a compilation of mini-documentaries and personal stories about stalking produced in collaboration with the UK Nunn Center for Oral History.
  • Don McPherson, College Football Hall of Fame member and anti-violence activist, 7 p.m. Thursday, April 12, at 230 Student Center.
  • Trending Now: Finding Your Balance and Safety with Social Media, 3:30-5 p.m. Thursday, April 12, at 111 Student Center. An interactive workshop with humor, media examples and discussion about using social media to enhance healthy relationships, well-being, safety and balance with the rest of your life. The event is co-sponsored by the Counseling Center and VIP Center.
  • UK Post Secret, April 18-20, at Tuska Art Gallery. A display of anonymous entries from UK responding to the question: When it comes to violence, what’s the truth you most need to tell?
  • Day of Action, noon to 8 p.m. Thursday, April 19, at Bluegrass Domestic Violence Program Farm. Members of the UK community can make a difference as by volunteering for a service project at the Bluegrass Domestic Violence farm. Bring gloves and be prepared to get dirty gardening, cleaning and more. Sign up for a two-hour shift by contacting the VIP Center 859-257-3189.
  • Jeans for Justice, Friday, April 20. Wear jeans to show support of survivors of sexual violence and to create a violence-free world

For more information, please contact The VIP Center at 257-3189 or go to www.uky.edu/studentaffairs/vipcenter.

MEDIA CONTACT:  Gail Hairston, gail.hairston@uky.edu; (859) 257-3302