IR4TD Director Announces Scale Modeling Symposium

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 15, 2012) — The International Scale Modeling Committee (ISMC) recently announced the 7th International Symposium on Scale Modeling, which will be held in Hirosaki, Japan in Aug. 2013. ISMC chair Kozo Saito, director of the University of Kentucky Institute of Research for Technology Development (IR4TD) and Tennessee Valley Authority Professor in Mechanical Engineering, introduced Professor Akihiko Ito as the symposium chair. Ito is a professor in the Graduate School of Science and Technology at Hirosaki University.

Those working the academic fields of scale modeling are invited to submit their accomplishments and ongoing research results.

"The interdisciplinary nature of scale modeling has created a need for international communication and collaboration," Saito said. "It's used in many fields, including engineering, and applies to medicine, meteorology, biology, human behavior, manufacturing and many other technologies."

For more information, visit the symposium's website.

MEDIA CONTACT: Jenny Wells; (859) 257-5343;