Over $450,000 in Education Abroad Scholarships Are Available to UK Students
LEXINGTON, KY. (Feb. 12, 2016) — University of Kentucky Education Abroad (UK EA) invites all internationally interested students to attend the Scholarship Workshop from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16, in the Hub of the William T. Young Library. During this workshop, students will be able to discover how they can earn their share of the $450,000 available in scholarships for education abroad programs with UK EA.
“UK EA provided over $150,000 in scholarships for summer and fall 2015,” said Susan Meredith, UK EA adviser. “The remaining $300,000 is available through UK college scholarships for international education, partner providers and external national awards.”
The event will be structured around four rotating sessions:
· General Education Abroad Info Session — An introduction to Education Abroad.
· How to Search for Scholarships — A guided tour of scholarships through the UK EA website.
· What to Avoid (and Include) in your Essay — A presentation by UK faculty who frequently review scholarship essays.
·Essay Review with the Writing Center Staff — A review session of students’ scholarship essay draft with a Writing Center staff member.
In between sessions students are encouraged to enjoy free pizza, talk with EA staff members about programs or scholarships and enter a raffle for a $500 flight scholarship provided by STA Travel. The drawing will take place at 7 p.m. that evening.
Students are highly encouraged to make the most of the event by bringing a draft of their scholarship essay. Having their essays reviewed by EA and Writing Center staff can further propel their personal statements and give them a better chance of receiving a scholarship.
For more information about the UK EA Scholarship Workshop, contact Austin Hughes, UK EA promotion and outreach coordinator, at austin.hughes@uky.edu or 859-323-2147.
Education Abroad at the University of Kentucky is a unit of the UK International Center. Its primary responsibility is to facilitate high quality, academically sound and experientially rich study abroad, research abroad and intern abroad programs for UK students. More information about the International Center can be found at www.uky.edu/international/.
Connect with Education Abroad on Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Pinterest; its blog, enKompass; Youtube, and Snapchat (@ukyabroad). Visit 315 Bradley Hall to talk with an Education Abroad Peer Ambassador, email educationabroad@uky.edu, call 859-257-4067 or visit www.uky.edu/educationabroad for more information.
MEDIA CONTACT: Gail Hairston, 859-257-3302, gail.hairston@uky.edu