Red Lights on UK Campus Promote Heart Health

The University of Kentucky and the Gill Heart Institute celebrate Heart Month
Buildings across campus with be bathed in red light to celebrate "Gill Goes Red" and Heart Month

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 1, 2017) — How could the buildings around campus be bathed in red lights?

It's not a prank by our in-state rivals, but a way to promote awareness for Heart Month.

In February, institutions around Lexington will celebrate Heart Month with activities that promote healthy habits such as exercise, smoking cessation, stress reduction and improved diet. 

UK HealthCare's Gill Heart Institute will focus on ways to make your diet more heart-healthy with a celebration and information about simple ingredient substitutes that can make your transition to a healthy diet easier.

"Gill Goes Red" will take place at noon, Friday, Feb. 3 in the hospital's Pavilion A atrium with giveaways and treats.

If you'd like more information about ways to improve heart health for you or someone you love, go to The American Heart Association's website.

When you pass by Memorial Hall, Gatton College of Business and Economics, the Main Building, W.T. Young Library and residence halls during the first week of February, think of ways you can commit to a healthier lifestyle – or how you can help someone you love do the same.

It's the best Valentine of all.