College of Public Health Presents Seminar on Confronting the Ebola Crisis

LEXINGTON, KY. (Oct. 21, 2014)   Captain Doug Thoroughman will present the College of Public Health's first Grand Rounds of the semester and speak about his work combating the spread of the Ebola virus in West Africa.  The seminar, “Confronting Ebola and Other Public Health Crises: Perspective from a Career Epidemiology Field Officer,” will be held 11:30 a.m., Thursday, Oct. 23, in 115 Nursing Building.

In his presentation,Thoroughman, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention career epidemiology field officer who recently returned from a deployment to West Africa, will discuss his experiences with the Ebola epidemic.  In addition to describing his most recent experiences with the disease in West Africa, Thoroughman will discuss how his work as a career epidemiology field officer and with the U.S. Public Health Service has led to a wide variety of deployments and field-based opportunities to fight infectious disease.

The College of Public Health invites UK faculty, staff and students to take advantage of this opportunity to hear about the decades-long career of an epidemiologist whose work has taken him to the front lines of one of the most serious infectious disease outbreaks in recent history.  Please RSVP by Oct. 21 to Nicole Howard at

MEDIA CONTACT: Mallory Powell,