King Library Press Presents 'The Book, The Whole Book, and Nothing But'


LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 2, 2014) — Graham Moss, a book artist of international reputation and founder of Incline Press, will discuss taxonomy of the private presses of the 20th century and how they continue today at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 7, in the Great Hall, second floor of the Margaret I. King Library Building. The lecture, the Sixth Hammer Biennale Lecture, is presented by the King Library Press. The event is free and open to the public.

Moss began his business by acquiring an interest in paper conservation and book repair. He then became interested in printing labels for paper wrappers and spine labels. This led to his inspiration to print more than labels. Moss became riveted with the art of typefaces and designs. He began printing stationary and cards for friends and relatives. Moss then seized the opportunity and purchased a press of his own that formed into a print shop with an entrance off Incline Road. Moss's Incline Press, located in Oldham, England, continues today as a 21st century letterpress print shop.

The biennale King Library Press Book Arts Lectures honor Victor and Carolyn Hammer, Lexingtonians who were prominent in the field of American private presses Carolyn, former curator of rare books at University of Kentucky Libraries, was founder of the King Library Press. The Hammer International Book Arts Biennale was established to honor the Hammers and their legacy to fine printing. Every other year a distinguished internationally reputed lecturer presents a discussion on printing, typography, illustration, book-binding, graphic design or another feature of the book arts. A keepsake for each lecture is printed at the King Library Press and features one of Victor Hammer's engravings, line-cuts or wood-cuts.

For more information about the Sixth Annual Biennale contact Paul Holbrook, the director of the King Library Press, at

MEDIA CONTACT: Whitney Hale, 859-257-8716;