Attend the Second Annual Patent Palooza

Office of Technology Commercialization: Patent Palooza

LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 13, 2018) — The University of Kentucky Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) will host its second Patent Palooza, an event that celebrates the university's inventors and commercialization deals for the previous fiscal year, from 4 to 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 27 at the Hilary J. Boone Center. Registration for the event is still open for those interested in attending.

Recognition will be given to inventors on patents and licenses, researchers and startup companies who have received SBIR-STTR (Small Business Innovation Research-small Business Technology Transfer) grants, and to those in UKAccel and the National Academy of Inventors. 

“This event is the starkest symbol of the Office of Technology Commercialization’s excitement about the inventive researchers and commercialization potential that UK has to offer,” said Ian McClure, director of the OTC. “For the second year, we are channeling this enthusiasm through this and other efforts to raise new awareness about this potential and the importance of intellectual property and commercialization to renewable research opportunities.”

McClure and UK President Eli Capilouto will give remarks at the event before honoring the inventors.

For more information about this year’s celebration, including how to register to attend, please contact

UK has more than 650 worldwide patent assets, including issued patents and patent applications. The university also has over 100 active licenses, many of which have returned revenues to the university to foster additional research, while others have helped start-ups raise money and create jobs.

The OTC is responsible for managing all of UK's intellectual property and commercializing its research through technology licensing and start-up ventures. For more information, contact OTC at 859-218-6509 or