UK Appreciation Day Celebrates Community

LEXINGTON, Ky. (May 15, 2014) — The following message about the University of Kentucky Appreciation Day is to all UK staff and faculty, from Jann Burks, Appreciation Day commission chair, and Holly Jones Clark, Appreciation Day commission vice chair.
Dear Fellow UK Staff and Faculty:
UK Appreciation Day (UKAD) is a time to express thanks for your hard work and dedication to our great university and celebrate our vibrant community. This year’s event will be held Thursday, June 5, at the Student Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. We do so in conjunction with the observance of the Student Center’s 75th Anniversary this year. President Eli Capilouto will join us to celebrate Appreciation Day. The success we enjoy as an institution is possible because WE ARE ONE, UNITED IN PURPOSE. We have planned an event we hope everyone will enjoy!
We realize that some of you are responsible for patient care that prevents attendance. Therefore, an appreciation event will be sponsored in the fall to accommodate UKHC staff. Non-patient care supervisors across campus are encouraged to adjust staff schedules accordingly without requiring leave to be utilized.
Activities (ALL FREE) at the Student Center include:
- lunch
- UK program exhibits
- business and community exhibits
- live music
- special guest Appearances
- UK T-shirt giveaway
Parking and Transportation
UK Parking and Transportation Services will provide bus service at the following stops:
Route 1
- Stop 1: Commonwealth Stadium bus shelter
- Stop 2: Ag North bus shelter
- Stop 3: Student Center bus shelter on Avenue of Champions
* Return: Rose Street, left onto Huguelet - Stop 4: University and Complex Drives
* Return to Commonwealth Stadium
Route 2
- Stop 1: Chandler Medical Center at the flag pole
- Stop 2: Washington Avenue bus shelter
- Stop 3: Student Center bus shelter on Avenue of Champions
* Return: Rose Street, right onto Huguelet, left on South Limestone to Medical Center
PTS also offers the following parking accommodations for those who attend:
- Large Student Center E lot
- Memorial Coliseum/Craft Center E lots
- E/C7 lots (Scott Street)
Disabled, reserved, and any specially signed spaces will be on normal control. State-issued disabled parking permits will be recognized in all lots. PS5 will remain on normal operations.
For departments whose personnel cannot attend, please download, complete and submit the T-shirt request form (PDF) to obtain shirts for your staff. Details are also available on the Staff Senate website,
A special expression of thanks is extended to the Office of the President, exhibitors and the following University of Kentucky entities whose support makes UKAD possible: Athletics, College of Fine Arts, Dining Services, Office of Sustainability, Parking and Transportation Services, Physical Plant Department, Public Relations and Marketing, Student Center, UK Bookstore, University Sound and Lights, and last but not least, our student participants.
Finally, we wish to thank the members of the Appreciation Day Commission (listed below) who have worked tirelessly to make this event successful. For convenient reference on the event, please visit the Staff Senate website. Thank you for all that you do, and we look forward to seeing you June 5! Best regards,
Jann Burks, Chair
UKAD Commission
Holly Jones Clark, Vice Chair
UKAD Commission
UKAD Commission Members
Kari Adams, Mike Adams, Laura Atherton, Delbert Ault, Michael Bratcher, Ashley Casteel, Ayriana Catlett, Tim Clark, Misty Dotson, Judy Duncan, Donna Gabbard, Ken Goodpaster, Shirley Greene, Devin Henry, John Herbst, Glenn Jones, Orvis Kean, Brian Martin, Melinda Plymale, Ray Schmidt Sean Scott, Jeff Spradling, Kim Toomey.
UK Appreciation Day is sponsored by the Office of the President coordinated by the Staff Senate and brought to you by the Appreciation Day Commission.