GWS Film Series Examines Manhood, Religious Strife

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 16, 2009) - The last installment in the Fall Film Series sponsored by the University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences Department of Gender and Women’s Studies will be held at 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 16. The documentary “Father, Son and Holy War, Part 2: Hero Pharmacy” will be shown in the Bingham-Davis House, 218 East Maxwell Street.
From documentary filmmaker Anand Patwardhan, the prize-winning film examines “manhood in the context of religious strife.”
From the Web site of distributor Icarus Films: “The Hindu majority has been raised on stories of marauding Muslim invaders who raped their women, destroyed their temples, and forced religious conversions. Today, some Hindus demand revenge for crimes committed centuries ago. They reject non-violence as impotence and set out to be ‘real-men.’ In this context, the Muslim minority - despite fears of genocide - will not take things lying down. They too are driven by the imperative to be ‘real men.’ The result is carnage. Is violence inherent in the human condition? Historically, people have co-existed for over 50,000 years in relative harmony. Wars began less than 5,000 years ago. But today the ‘macho’ man rules in every land. Where do we go from here?”
Commentary and discussion will be led by Srimati Basu, associate professor, Department of Gender and Women’s Studies.
The GWS Film Series is free and open to the public.