K Week: Super Start
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 22, 2012) — It’s never easy finding your way on the first day of classes – even with a map.
New students at the University of Kentucky shouldn’t have a problem as long as they can find a Super Start tent, staffed by those working in the Student Affairs Division.
The tents will be scattered liberally across campus today and Thursday during K Week. The main job of the people staffing those tents is to give new students directions to their next class or the nearest library, or even just a good place to find lunch. They can also answer many random questions a new student might have, or just give out a free bottle of water.
The tents can be found outside the Student Center, White Hall Classroom Building, Rose Street and South Campus.
Coordinated by the Office of New Student and Parent Programs in the Division of Student Affairs, K Week is UK’s fall welcome week for freshmen and transfer students. For more information about K Week, visit the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/KWeekatUK, follow K Week on Twitter at twitter.com/K_Week and check out the YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/KWeekatUK. The full K Week schedule is available at http://www.uky.edu/StudentAffairs/KWeek/pdf/KWSchedule.pdf