Safety Makes a Fun Spring Break

LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 11, 2010) – As University of Kentucky students prepare for Spring Break travel, following are a few safety tips that can help ensure a safe and fun Spring Break. For more information and safety tips from UK Police, contact Alan Saylor at (859) 257-5108 or by e-mail at .
Before Leaving:
* Secure your residence hall room or apartment, e.g., unplug appliances, ensure doors and windows are locked.
* Give family and close friends your itinerary, including the name of the hotel and when you expect to return.
* Find out if your health and car insurance will cover you while you are traveling. A simple call to your insurance company can provide you with the information.
* Be aware that the U.S. Department of State has posted a Travel Alert regarding travel in Mexico. The Travel Alert, which is in effect until August 2010, describes recent violence, and provides guidance and additional links concerning travel in Mexico. All students considering travel to Mexico are urged to review both the Travel Alert site and Spring Break in Mexico: Know Before You Go! sites.
Property Safety:
* Take as few valuables with you on your trip as possible.
* Book hotels that give you access to a safe. Lock up anything of value. Do not leave money or valuables in your room.
* Always lock your hotel room door.
* If you are traveling abroad, keep your passport in a secure location at all times.
* Watch out for scam artists who try to rip off students. Avoid high pressure sales pitches, and never go off to a secluded location with someone who wants to sell you something.
* If your cell phone or credit cards are stolen, report this immediately to the companies so they can cancel your service.
Personal Safety:
* Always stay in the proximity of at least one friend, and preferably two or three. Adhere strictly to this "buddy system" and do not leave with someone other than your buddies. Be sure to choose buddies you can trust.
* Do not leave with strangers, even if it seems like a good idea at the time. Always err on the side of caution and trust your instincts.
* Acquire a business card from your hotel. If you get separated from your group, you will know how to get back to the hotel.
* Watch your drink very carefully! Be aware of date rape drugs that people may try to sneak into your drink. Never accept a drink from a stranger or let someone else hold your drink.
* Never go to an isolated place with a stranger or someone you do not fully trust.
* Carry a cell phone with you in case of an emergency.
* Carry your identification and important medical information on your person in case of an emergency.