Spring Breakers Get Free Ride to Airport
LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 4, 2010) – As students prepare for Spring Break, University of Kentucky Parking & Transportation Services is taking one thing off their to-do lists by providing free transportation to Blue Grass Airport.
The shuttle will operate Thursday, March 11, and Friday, March 12, with daily campus pick-up times of 6 a.m., 8 a.m., 10 a.m., noon, 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
Students should plan to leave campus at least two hours prior to take-off.
To schedule a pick-up, e-mail the following information with the subject “Spring Break Shuttle” to ukparking@lsv.uky.edu at least two business days in advance:
- Name
- Campus address
- Campus phone number and/or cell number
- Date, time and location of campus pick-up
A representative from Parking & Transportation Services will call to confirm a pick-up time and convenient location.
Students are responsible for their own transportation back to campus. LexTran’s Airport/Keeneland Express, which runs Monday through Friday and drops off at the Vine Street bus terminal, can be found at http://lextran.nextinsight.com/routes.php?mrnid=27. Fare is $1. American Taxi (859-381-TAXI) accepts UK PLUS accounts, and charges approximately $16-$20 for cab fare from Blue Grass Airport to campus. Students are eligible for a 10 percent discount with a student ID.