"It Gets Better" Project Creator to Speak at UK

LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 6, 2012) – It was a revolution that created a phenomenon of user uploaded videos all with the same message of "It Gets Better." Now the creator and founder of the It Gets Better Campaign, Dan Savage will speak out against hate and intolerance to the University of Kentucky’s campus and community at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 6, 2012, in Memorial Hall. This event is sponsored by the Student Activities Board.
Savage is a journalist, newspaper editor and author of the internationally syndicated relationship and sex advice column "Savage Love." As an openly gay man, Savage has been the subject of controversy and harassment for his opinions expressed in his column. After a string of suicides in the U.S. by teenagers who were bullied because of their sexual orientation, Savage decided to send a response to those who were struggling with being bullied by classmates or others because of their sexual orientation.
After Savage and his husband Terry Miller posted the first "It Gets Better" video on YouTube, the message took off. More than 200 videos were uploaded in the first week and the "It Gets Better" Project was born in 2010. Since it’s creation, more than 30,000 entries with more than 40 million views have been made by people of all sexual orientations, including many celebrities and influential leaders such as President Barack Obama, Lady Gaga and Tim Gunn. The project is now organized on its own website, www.itgetsbetter.org.
Watch UK students and faculty’s own "It Gets Better" Project video here.
Savage once wrote, about the founding of the project, "I wish I could have talked to this kid for five minutes. I wish I could have told Billy that it gets better. I wish I could have told him that, however bad things were, however isolated and alone he was, it gets better."
“I’m so incredibly excited to bring an event of this magnitude to UK’s campus,” said Sarah Jones, director of SAB Engaging Issues Committee. “I think it’s time people start listening to this issue, and I think [the event] will have a big impact on campus.”
Student, faculty, staff and the general public can pick up free tickets from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. today at the Student Center Ticket Office.
For seating purposes, bags larger than a small purse will have to be checked in at the door. Bag checks will also be conducted.
The Student Activities Board brings more than 100 entertaining, educational and enriching programs that are reflective of contemporary issues and trends to the University of Kentucky annually. These programs are designed to enhance the college experience for students, faculty, staff and the greater Lexington community.
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