Dining Spotlights a Rio Carnaval

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 16, 2012) -- There may not be a Samba Parade float circling Kirwan Tower, but on Thursday, Feb. 16, the Commons will be transformed as University of Kentucky Dining Services celebrates Rio Carnaval from 5-9 p.m.
A special menu inspired by Brazil’s world-famous, annual celebration will be served with the nation’s equally legendary music, the samba, bossa nova, rechoro, frevo and salsa. Dancers will be there to teach the basic steps of the samba, the expression-filled dance that has become the icon of Brazilian identity.
Dining will be as exotic as the entertainment. Acarajé and feijoada will be served as appetizers. Entrees will include churrasco, a grilled flank steak; frango com quiabo, baked chicken with okra and tomato; and moqueca de peixe, seared snapper with a cilantro-lime marinate. The sides include Brazilian favorites arroz e feijão, black beans and rice; couva à mineira, braised greens with garlic; milho, roasted corn; feijão verde, green beans; and batata doce, mashed sweet potato with banana. Dessert offerings include bolo prestigio, a chocolate-coconut cake, or pudim de laranja, an orange flan (or tart).
Everyone in the campus community and their family and friends are invited. Cost (payable with a meal swipe, Flex Dollars, Plus Account, cash or credit) is $9 per person, $8 for faculty/staff and spouses and $5 for children under 12 years old