Kavoori Keynotes for International Education Week

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 11, 2016) — The University of Kentucky International Center will welcome media and entertainment professor Anandam (Andy) Kavoori as its keynote speaker for International Education Week slated Nov. 14-18. Kavoori’s talk, “The Word and The World: Lessons from South Asia and Beyond,” will be held 1-2 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15, at William T. Young Library's UK Athletics Auditorium.
Kavoori, currently the coordinator of the Environmental Communication Initiative in the College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia, will discuss the intersections of two areas that influence UK students’ lives and are centric to his research: globalization and communication.
“Kavoori’s talk will reflect on how various communication technologies get used, and what their meanings are in different locations across the world,” said Associate Provost for Internationalization Sue Roberts. “I think this talk should appeal especially to students. What student isn’t interested in smartphones reshaping social connections?”
Kavoori will focus on theories about modern media practices and the interrelated network that he calls “the logistics of globalization — capitalism, nationalism, modernity and post-colonialism.” Through his presentation, faculty, students and staff will understand the intricacies and complex nature of these logics — how they work not only in South Asia, but around the world.
With a master’s degree in sociology and cultural anthropology and a doctoral degree in journalism and mass communication, Kavoori has written a wide variety of works based on his research and experiences in South Asia. One of them includes “Digital Storytelling: Voices for a New Vernacular,” published in the International Journal of Communication.
Kavoori’s “The Word and The World: Lessons from South Asia and Beyond” is one of the many events taking place during International Education Week at UK. To view a list of events, visit www.uky.edu/international/IEW/Schedule2016.