Political Satire Group the Capitol Steps to Perform at UK

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct.11, 2016) — If you haven't found this year's race for president particularly fun or entertaining, then you haven't seen it through the eyes of members of the Capitol Steps. This ensemble cast, known for “putting the fun back in politics,” makes a return appearance to the University of Kentucky.
Sponsored by UK's NPR station, WUKY 91.3FM, and Columbia Gas, the Capitol Steps will perform at 7 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 16, in the UK Singletary Center for the Arts Concert Hall. The Washington, D.C. based group assures that each candidate will get an equal share of time and ribbing.
The troupe, which claims to "put the mock in democracy," began as a group of Senate staffers back in 1981 who set out to satirize the very people and places that employed them. Not all of the current members are former Capitol Hill staffers, but altogether the performers have worked in a total of 18 congressional offices and represent 62 years of collective House and Senate staff experience.
Since they began, the Capitol Steps have recorded more than 35 albums, including their latest, "What to Expect When You're Electing." They have been featured on NBC, CBS, ABC and PBS, and can be heard twice a year on National Public Radio stations nationwide during their "Politics Takes a Holiday" radio specials. More information on Capitol Steps is available at www.capsteps.com.
Public tickets for the Capitol Steps are $40 for adults. Discounted tickets are available for UK students, faculty and staff. Contact the Singletary Center ticket office at 859-257-4929 or www.etix.com/ticket/p/7105008/wuky-presents-capitol-steps-in-the-scfa-concert-hall-lexington-singletary-center for information or to order tickets.
Preview the Capitol Steps on YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/CapitolSteps#p/u/0/SJ70OFLagq8
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MEDIA CONTACT: Gail Bennett, WUKY, wukgail@uky.edu or 859 257-7049; Kathy Johnson, UK Public Relations and Marketing, 859-257-3155 or kathy.johnson@uky.edu