UK Alum Returns to UK to Address 'Mothers as Activists'

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 26, 2015) — Alice Driver, author of "More or Less Dead: Feminicide, Haunting, and the Ethics of Representation in Mexico," returns to her alma mater, the University of Kentucky, to share insight she has gained from her experiences researching and writing in Mexico.
She will speak at 4 p.m. today in the William T. Young Library Alumni Gallery (Room 1-65). The lecture is free and open to the community.
The title of her lecture — “Mothers as Activists: Power, Protests, Media in Mexico” — reflects Mexico in a historic moment, when change appears to be in the hands of citizens who are demanding an end to the corrupt governance that has resulted in decades of human rights abuses. Her lecture will explore violence and activism in Juárez, Mexico, focusing on how activists and human rights defenders work to counter a state-controlled media monopoly that blames victims for their own deaths.
Driver received her doctorate in Hispanic studies from UK. Her writing has been featured in Al Jazeera English, Ms. Magazine, Women’s Media Center, Salon and Vela. Her photography has appeared in National Geographic.