5 Questions with Dr. Christian Lattermann
Olivia Ramirez
May 19, 2017
5 Questions with Dr. Christian Lattermann
LEXINGTON, Ky. (May 19, 2017) – Each day brings something different for Dr. Christian Lattermann; that’s one of the things that keeps him passionate about his job. As director of the Center for Cartilage Repair and Restoration at UK Sports Medicine, Lattermann treats patients, does community outreach, conducts research and mentors students.
Even though he’s a leader in the field, he’s not done learning; he says his patients teach him every day.
Watch this episode of "Five Questions" to hear how a semi-professional soccer career inspired Lattermann to become an orthopaedic surgeon and how research from UK Sports Medicine makes the department leaders in the field.

Dr. Christian Latterman
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