Have a Safe and Spooky Halloween with These Tips

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 30, 2013) — UK HealthCare and the Safe Kids Fayette County Coalition want to pass along some important safety tips to keep in mind as children and parents are participating in Halloween fun.
On a night when many children spend hours in close proximity to cars as they navigate through neighborhoods gathering candy, pedestrian safety should be a top priority for both drivers and parents. On average, twice as many kids are killed while walking on Halloween compared to other days of the year.
"Halloween is a fun and exciting night for kids but it is also one of the most dangerous," said Sherri Hannan, Safe Kids Fayette County coordinator.
"Make sure that your evening of tricks and treats is a safe one. Be seen to be safe and take extra care when crossing streets. Slow down in neighborhoods if you are driving from location to location, and stay in areas that are well-lit and familiar," said Hannan.
Tips to keep in mind:
- Adults should supervise trick-or-treating for children under age 12. Older kids should go in groups.
- Wear light-colored costumes or add reflective tape or flashing reflectors to darker outfits.
- Carry flashlights or glow sticks.
- Cross at street corners and don't dart out in between parked cars.
- Drivers should slow down and be extra observant for pedestrians.
For more tips on how to help kids become safer pedestrians on Halloween, as well as throughout the year, visit www.usa.safekids.org/wtw/halloween2009.html.
Media Contact: Kristi Lopez, kristi.lopez@uky.edu or 859-323-6363