'Walk to School Wednesday' Promotes Safe Pedestrian Practices

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 9, 2013) — On Wednesday, Oct. 9, students, parents and faculty of Millcreek Elementary School will participate in "Walk to School Wednesday" in an effort focused on practicing safe pedestrian habits.
One in five high school students and one in eight middle school students cross the street while distracted, according to a new research report released today by Safe Kids Worldwide.
The study was developed to explore findings from a 2012 Safe Kids report that found pedestrian injuries among 16-19 year olds increased 25 percent over the previous five years. Teens now account for half of all pedestrian deaths among children 19 and under.
“Distraction is a big problem, both while driving and walking," said Sherri Hannan, Safe Kids Fayette County program coordinator. "Parents, talk to your kids to make sure they are paying full attention when crossing the street. And we adults need to follow our own advice. If we put our devices down, our kids are more likely to do the same.”
Millcreek Elementary is standing up against these alarming statistics by hosting a Student and Family Walk to School Wednesday. The walk will begin at 7:05 a.m. on Wednesday, October 9 from Tatesbrook Church. Students and their families will meet together and be supported by safety crossing guards as they take a stand for walking safely.
MEDIA CONTACT: Ann Blackford, 859-323-6442