WEG Performer Recovers, Thanks UK HealthCare

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 12, 2010) — After a magnificent performance during the Opening Ceremony of the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, world-renowned cowboy dressage trainer and equestrian performer Eitan Beth-Halachmy became gravely ill and collapsed requiring emergency care from the UK HealthCare medical team on site and paramedics from the Lexington Division of Fire and Emergency Medical Services.
In the two weeks since he was rushed by ambulance to University of Kentucky Chandler Hospital, he has made a miraculous recovery. Before being discharged from UK Chandler Hospital, Eitan made this video message to thank the doctors, nurses and paramedics that helped save his life and let his fans know he planned to see them in Normandy in 2014. In addition, the health care team was honored on the field during the Closing Ceremony of the World Equestrian Games.