Extended Blue, White and Green Bus Route Hours Begin Today
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 21, 2017) — As announced in May, new for the 2017-2018 academic year, University of Kentucky Transportation Services has partnered with Lextran to extend the hours of service for the popular campus Blue and White Routes, as well as the Green Route Connector. The changes will take effect today, Monday, Aug. 21.
The bi-directional Blue and White Campus Shuttle Routes (Lextran 14) will operate from 6:45 a.m. to midnight, Monday through Friday, during fall and spring semesters. The Green Route Connector (Lextran 26) will have the same extended hours. This route provides a transit connection for residents of the Shawneetown and Greg Page Apartment areas, as well as students who opted for the new remote parking permit.
Not only will the extended service hours better serve the campus community with simple, predictable and reliable campus bus service, but this change will increase the frequency of evening and late night buses.
“The extension of the Blue and White Routes will effectively more than double the number of buses operating on campus after 8 p.m., compared to last year,” said Lance Broeking, director of Transportation Services. “The continuation of these established routes into the evening hours will provide better late night service to the entire campus.”
All campus routes - as well as off-campus Lextran routes - are viewable in real-time on TransLoc Rider, UK’s GPS-based bus locating system. TransLoc Rider can be accessed at uky.transloc.com and via the free Transloc Rider Android and iPhone apps. Users should be sure to select both Lextran and the University of Kentucky under Current Transit Systems in order to include the Blue, White and Green Routes data on the app.
All campus bus service is provided free of charge.