Join #DB16 on Periscope, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 24, 2016) — In three days, DanceBlue, the fastest growing student run philanthropy event in the Southeastern Conference, will be underway. This event not only unifies the students participating with the families of the DanceBlue Kentucky Children’s Hospital Hematology/Oncology Clinic, but it unites the state through community events, fundraisers and mini marathons held by more than 20 high schools.
This year, as DanceBlue breaks into a new decade, it wants to incorporate a new audience. Through efforts to involve the crowd and supporters all over the nation, DanceBlue is encouraging all students, family members and DanceBlue fans everywhere to take advantage of social media to see what being a part of the marathon really is about.
On Twitter, follow us at @ukdanceblue. We will be using the hashtags #UntilTheBattleIsWon and #DB16 on this platform throughout the marathon.
On Instagram, follow us at @uk_danceblue. Throughout the 24-hour marathon, this account will be highlighting some of the coolest guests and activites planned for the 1,000 University of Kentucky students on the floor.
On Facebook, go “like” the DanceBlue page to follow check presentations from throughout the year, as well as personal articles that will be shared of committee members. These stories will show how DanceBlue truly changes the lives of the dancers and students, not just the lives of the families in the clinic.
This year, a new platform is being introduced as well. DanceBlue will be utilizing Periscope, a live stream social media platform that works with Twitter to share real time feeds from the marathon. Periscope will bring audiences all over the country together "For The Kids" as it shares the crowd, dancer and committee member experiences throughout the weekend of DanceBlue 2016. Lastly, DanceBlue is introducing a crowd social media scavenger hunt. While watching the marathon, those visiting will be sharing their experience through participation with this scavenger hunt throughout the night unifying everyone and showing all perspectives during the marathon.
Join the DanceBlue family this weekend. One organization, one campus, and one nation, "For The Kids."
DanceBlue is UK’s 24-hour no-sitting, no-sleeping dancer marathon that benefits the Golden Matrix Fund and the DanceBlue KCH Hematology/Oncology Clinic at the Kentucky Children’s Hospital. Now in it’s 11th year, DanceBlue has raised more than $8.2 million for pediatric cancer research and child life efforts.
DanceBlue is a program housed in the UK Center for Community Outreach (CCO). The CCO seeks to serve, connect and unite UK with the surrounding community in collaborative efforts to promote life-long community service. For more information about the CCO, visit
To learn more about DanceBlue, visit or visit the marathon at Memorial Coliseum this weekend 2 p.m., Feb. 27, to 2 p.m., Feb. 28.
MEDIA CONTACT: Katy Bennett or Rebecca Stratton, or, 859-257-1909/859-323-2395