New Administrative Regulations Announced
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Sept. 28, 2009) -- The Office of the President has announced the issuance of the following new or revised Governing Regulations (GR) and Administrative Regulations (AR).
GR VII, UNIVERSITY ORGANIZATION (APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES): This Governing Regulation firmly establishes the principle of mandatory consultation by an educational unit administrator with the appropriate faculty members of his or her educational unit in faculty personnel matters. While leaving in place the bedrock principle of mandatory consultation, this revision redefines the subset of “appropriate faculty members” with whom the administrator must consult. The revision adopts the “best practice” in higher education circles, which dictates that mandatory consultation should exclude those unit faculty persons who hold academic rank at or below the academic rank of an individual being considered for appointment, reappointment, terminal reappointment or promotion. The revised language of this section of GR VII permits a unit faculty to establish policies that extend the minimum consultation requirements (as proposed in this revision) to include the specified participation of other full-time faculty employees in any series in the department.
AR 1:5, SUBSTANTIVE CHANGE POLICY: This new Administrative Regulation establishes institutional procedures for approving substantive change and ensuring timely notification to the Commission on Colleges (COC) of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). The University of Kentucky is accredited by the COC of the SACS. As a standard of accreditation, the University is required to notify the COC of substantive changes before they occur. Substantive change is defined by SACS as a significant modification or expansion in the nature and scope of an accredited institution. For more information about substantive change, please see: The University’s SACS Accreditation Liaison is the individual responsible for ensuring that this policy is implemented.
This new Administrative Regulation provides guidance and procedures for the disclosure and management, or elimination, of real or perceived institutional conflicts of interest that might compromise processes for the review or oversight of research. The University often enters into relationships with external business entities that help it carry out its mission. Due to financial interests of the University or its officials, such business relationships and commercial activities may create inherent conflicts of interest between the University and its external partners. The University has a responsibility to the residents of the Commonwealth and the public at-large to conduct its research activities, particularly research involving human subjects, with the utmost integrity. This administrative regulation applies to two different types of interests: interests held by University Officials that may appear to influence their institutional decisions, and interests held directly by the University itself that may also appear to influence institutional decisions.
AR 8:8, IDENTITY THEFT PREVENTION PROGRAM (APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES): This new Administrative Regulation establishes the University’s identity theft prevention program in compliance with recent federal regulations (known as “Red Flag Rules”). The identity theft prevention program is designed to: 1) detect, prevent, and mitigate identity theft in connection with new or existing covered accounts; 2) help protect students, faculty, staff, other constituents, and the University from damages related to the fraudulent activity of identity theft; 3) provide for continued administration of the Program; and, 4) promote compliance with state and federal laws and regulations regarding identity theft protection. The Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration is responsibility for program implementation and oversight.
AR III-1.0-2, STUDENT CODE COMMITTEE: This Administrative Regulation is eliminated. Its content is duplicative of provisions already found in the Code of Student Conduct that establish the Student Code Committee and govern the process for revising the Code. The Code of Student Conduct is approved by the Board of Trustees.
Please familiarize yourself with these new and revised regulations. If you are a supervisor, please communicate this information to all relevant faculty or staff. The complete administrative regulation library, including the list of recently revised or new regulations, may be found at Questions about these or other regulations should be directed to the Office of Legal Counsel at (859) 257-2936, or