Work-Life Survey Results Are In
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 11, 2011) -- As part of the annual observance of National Work and Family Month, the University of Kentucky Office of Work-Life has planned a series of town hall meetings to discuss the results of the most recent work-life survey.
Three UK@Work Town Hall Meetings, where attendees can get a full preview of the results of the UK@Work survey as well as the chance to offer input on the initiatives that will shape work-life at UK in the coming years, are scheduled. Details include:
- Oct.,14, William T. Young Library auditorium
- Oct. 18, B132 Good Samaritan Hospital
- Oct. 19, H31B Chandler Hospital.
All meetings are scheduled at 12:10-12:50 p.m. The Oct. 14 event will be live-streamed from the UK Office of Work-Life home page and recorded, available online for later viewing.
“I’m proud to announce these special town hall events, where discussions will focus on results and action items related to our recent UK@Work survey,” said Robynn Pease, director of Work-Life at UK.
Almost 8,000 UK staff and faculty completed the survey in October 2010, and these town hall meetings will offer the campus community its first sneak peek at survey results as well as proposed action items before the full report is published later this month.
The UK@Work survey was first conducted in 2005-06 and takes place every five years.
Pease said those attending the town hall meetings will see 2010 survey results compared to those from 2005-06. Pease will highlight several top priorities identified by the Work-Life Advisory Council, which oversees employee engagement initiatives at the university. Attendees will also learn more about ways they may “help shape UK’s response to areas of opportunity identified by the survey.”
Employees can provide feedback in person or via email at
Pease stated that the survey shows improvements in many areas of work-life at the university over the past five years, including perceptions of increased UK policy and supervisor support of work-life. Pease will also discuss such issues as compensation and burnout, which remain issues of concern. A full written report on the survey and initial action plans will be available on the UK Office of Work-Life website in late October.
The first UK@Work survey led to the implementation of a number of new initiatives, such as the Family Education Program, voluntary mental health counseling, improved supervisor training and career development for staff.
Additional National Work and Family Month events include the following.
A special Retirement Conference, Making the Most of Your Retirement: The New Reality, where attendees can learn what retirement means in today’s changing world, will take place 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12, in UK Student Center Grand Ballroom.
The 4th Annual UK Work-Life Supervisor of the Year Award luncheon, which recognizes leaders who are advancing supportive work-life practices at the university, is slated 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 26, in the Student Center Grand Ballroom.
For more information about both the upcoming events and the UK@Work survey results, visit The campus community is reminded that space is limited for all events and registration is required for some.