Staff Trustee Election Process Begins
LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 11, 2010) – Self-nominations for the University of Kentucky staff representative to the Board of Trustees are now being accepted by the Staff Senate.
To be eligible to run, a person must be regular, full time staff with no relatives employed at the university. The term shall be July 1, 2010, through June 30, 2013. Visit for a nomination form and more information.
The board consists of 16 members appointed by the Kentucky Governor, two members of the faculty, one member of the UK non-teaching personnel and one member of the student body. It is the final authority in all matters affecting the institution and exercises jurisdiction over the institution's financial and educational policies, as well as others, and its relation with state and federal governments. The Staff Senate is charged with conducting the staff trustee election.
Although additional events and meetings may be scheduled at a later date, the following are important dates to remember in the staff trustee election process.
- March 10-24: Self-nomination period
- March 29: Candidates announced. Campaigning begins.
- April 7: An overview for candidates; 5-7 p.m., William T. Young Library auditorium
- April 8: Open forum for all candidates during the April regular Staff Senate meeting, 1:30 p.m., Young Library Auditorium.
- April 12-16: Open forums in Medical Center and Worsham Theatre
- April 21: Primary election begins
- May 5: Primary election ends
- May 10: Primary election results announced
- May 13: General election debate, during the May regular Staff Senate meeting, 1:30 p.m.,Young Library Auditorium.
- May 19: General election begins
- June 2: General election ends
- June 7: General election results announced
All documents and additional information regarding the Board of Trustees nomination process are posted online at Questions about the nomination process should be submitted to Holly Jones Clark, Staff Senate Office Coordinator, at (859) 257-9242 or or Ann Livingstone at 257-4067, ext. 229 or