Campus Walk: UK SGA Leaders Show off New Home, Share Hopes for Upcoming Year
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LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 31, 2018) — The sound of students finally filling up Gatton Student Center (GSC) is music to the ears of UK Student Government Association (SGA) leaders.
After moving into the GSC this summer from their temporary home in Blazer, UK SGA President Michael Hamilton and SGA Vice President Noor Ali have spent the past few weeks anticipating the ability to share the space with students from across campus.
UKNow recently caught up with Hamilton and Ali, so they could show off their new home and talk about the plans they have for the upcoming academic year.
Watch the video above to discover why these two leaders are so excited to use their new home to foster a family atmosphere for all UK students.
This video is part of a monthly UKNow series called "Campus Walks." The idea is to get out of the office and onto campus with members of the UK community, so UKNow can have in-depth, authentic conversations about the university with the people working so hard to advance its mission of education, research and service.
If there is someone on campus you would like to see featured in a future "Campus Walks," email us.