UK Choirs Lend Their 'Voices' to Concert Series
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 24, 2014) — The 2014-15 University of Kentucky Men’s Chorus and Women’s Choir will make their fall debut in a joint concert presented as part of the "Voices! Choral Concert Series" at First United Methodist Church this weekend. The Men’s Chorus, under the direction of Jefferson Johnson, director of UK Choral Activities, and the Women’s Choir, under the direction of Lori R. Hetzel, associate director of UK School of Music, will feature world premiere commissions specifically for UK Choirs as well as special performances by UK’s premier a cappella ensembles — the acoUstiKats and Paws and Listen. The concert will begin 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 26, at the church, located at 200 W. High St.
"Gaudete" performed by the UK Men's Chorus. Video courtesy of American Choral Directors Association. A transcript of this video can be seen here.
The UK Men’s Chorus is a 90-voice ensemble composed of students who range from freshmen to graduate students. These young men represent a variety of musical backgrounds and academic disciplines at the university. Begun in the fall of 2002, the Men’s Chorus has grown in size and popularity each semester. The choir’s challenging and diverse repertoire includes literature that spans from Gregorian chant to music of the 21st century. Rehearsing only twice weekly, UK Men’s Chorus maintains an active performing schedule throughout the state of Kentucky, touring each semester.
UK's Men's Chorus and Women's Choir are excited to be part of the "VOICES! Choral Concert Series" at First United Methodist Church, which is celebrating its 225th anniversary this year. The series is organized by UK doctoral candidate Brock Terry, who serves as director of music at the church. All concerts are open to the public and admission is free. Donations to the concert series are suggested.
For more information on the "Voices" concert or the UK Men’s Chorus, contact Evan Pulliam, administrative assistant to UK Choirs, at
UK's Men's Chorus and Women's Choir are part of UK School of Music at UK College of Fine Arts. The school has garnered a national reputation for high-caliber education in opera, choral and instrumental music performance, as well as music education, composition, and theory and music history.
MEDIA CONTACT: Whitney Hale, 859-257-8716;