Weekly Update: Taking Care of Our People

The following message from President Capilouto was sent to all of campus on Friday, April 8, 2022.
Key Takeaways
- “Taking care of our people” is a core principle of our strategic plan.
- This year, we will invest more than ever before in salary, wage and benefit increases from central sources.
- Investments allow us to increase access to the best care, while holding down costs of health care coverage.
- A second booster (fourth dose) of the COVID-19 vaccine is now available to eligible members of our community.
Campus Community,
Looking back on the past two years, I am moved by the way our people have repeatedly overcome challenges. I am continually reminded that it is our community – and its unwavering dedication to the service of our Commonwealth – that enables us to fulfill our mission of advancing Kentucky. Because of the work you do, and as demonstrated by our strategic plan, we are committed to taking care of our people.
We recently announced two proposals that encompass strategic ways we will invest further in caring for our people. We are grateful to our elected leaders in Frankfort, who have made investments in this community because of their faith in our commitment to advancing the state.
Highlights of our plans for further investments in our people include:
Compensation Plan
- Over the last 10 years, we’ve invested – on average per year – $8.6 million in salary, wage and benefit increases from central sources. This year, we will double that amount by investing more than $17 million.
- Each member of the President’s Cabinet will receive a pool of dollars for pay raises proportionate to each area’s percentage of salary and wages at the university.
- At the start, all employees performing at a level that is at least satisfactory based on performance evaluations will receive a pay increase of $1,000 for the fiscal year, beginning July 1.
- Then, using the remaining portion of the salary pool, deans and unit leaders will have complete flexibility to provide additional recurring compensation increases based on factors they choose. You can read more about our compensation plan here.
Health Care Coverage
- The UK HMO plan will not include any increases in premiums for our employees this year. The PPO plan will see increases in premiums from $4 per month to $12 per month. About 90% of UK employees who receive coverage from UK utilize one of these two plans.
- Last year, we invested more than $178 million in health coverage for our employees; this coming year, we will propose an investment of more than $183 million as we seek to increase access, continue enhancing quality and hold down costs.
- For all our plans, we are adding additional, important benefits that will improve access to care. These additions are in direct response to the feedback we’ve heard from UK Staff Senate leaders. You can read more about those benefits here.
Open enrollment will begin April 27 and continue through May 13. This is the time in which members of our community can make changes to their coverage plans.
These two proposals will be brought before the Board of Trustees during our June meeting. I am confident these steps will allow us to better support our employees who carry out our mission.
COVID-19 Boosters
Another way we continue to take care of our people is by offering COVID-19 vaccinations. A second booster (fourth dose) is now available to members of our community who are above the age of 50 and/or immunocompromised above the age of 12, as long as it is four months after their first booster (third dose). You can read more about the booster on the CDC website.
Thank you for everything you do.
Eli Capilouto