The Food Connection at UK Invites Proposals for Student Opportunity Grants
Lexington, Ky. (Feb. 12, 2015) — The UK Food Connection has issued a call for proposals for student opportunity grants related to the study of food and food systems.
The UK Food Connection, a partnership between the University of Kentucky, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture and Aramark which serves to promote a healthy, sustainable food economy, was established in 2014. The organization received a $1 million endowment through a contract dedicated to enhancing undergraduate and graduate student opportunities.
The deadline for proposals is Monday, Feb. 23.
Priority will be given to advancement of experiential education, community engagement, and undergraduate student research, activities linked to dissertation work by graduate students, professional development, co-curricular activities, and related initiatives. Projects related to development of formal curricula or traditional courses may be considered but will have lower priority.
Proposals must include a University of Kentucky faculty or professional staff member as project leader or co-leader. Projects may be student-initiated or led, so long as a faculty or staff co-leader is identified. Students may be named and listed as co-leaders or participants; however proposals will be accepted if the specific student participants have yet to be identified.
Community engagement will be a positive factor in proposal evaluation. Participation of, or collaboration with UK Dining is not required but will be a positive factor in proposal evaluation.
The program is open to all majors and programs at the University of Kentucky, but the supported activity must be directly related to food or food systems. For example, projects in nutrition, food technology, food economies, food and culture, or food production will all be considered. Multi-disciplinary projects are encouraged as are projects from the arts, humanities and social sciences that address food systems in creative ways.
Submit proposals to
MEDIA CONTACT: Sarah Geegan, (859) 257-5365;