Campus News

Columbia Terrace Roadwork Planned for Aug. 9-10

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 8, 2016)  Columbia Terrace will be closed on Tuesday, Aug. 9, and Wednesday, Aug. 10, due to road milling and paving. The work will take place between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. daily. Traffic will be limited to emergency vehicles only.

The R5 parking areas will not be accessible for the duration of the project; R5 permit holders will temporarily be allowed to park in the Linden Walk Employee Lot, located at the corner of Euclid Avenue and Linden Walk. A map of the project can be found at

Members of the university community with valid E permits who normally park their vehicles in the Linden Walk E Lot may notice an increase in demand during the two days of construction. Should the lot reach capacity, they may park in other E lots on campus. E lots in the vicinity include the Linden Walk Lot, the King Alumni Lot, the Career Center Lot, the Coliseum Lot and the College View Lot. Go to to view a campus parking map.