Football Practice Facility Construction to Begin Feb. 1; Update on Stadium East Blue Lot
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Jan. 30, 2015) — Beginning Monday, Feb. 2 and continuing through the end of the week, the University of Kentucky will have parking attendants stationed in the Stadium East Blue Lot. This is designed to ease the transition as the first phase of construction for the planned football practice facility — located adjacent to Commonwealth Stadium — begins in the lot, as previously announced on Jan. 20, 2015.
As a result of the first phase of construction, approximately 200 spaces in the Stadium East Blue Lot will be blocked. The attendants will assist students and employees with finding alternate parking. The transition process will be reassessed at the end of the week, with the option of extending the use of parking attendants based on demand.
At this time, the stadium areas are not at capacity. Based on recent parking lot capacity counts, the options outlined below are expected to adequately absorb parking demand. However, Parking and Transportation Services (PTS) is working in tandem with the Administration to carefully evaluate all potential parking areas and to strategically mitigate these losses.
Students who currently park in the impacted areas may park in any other K Lots. This includes the Stadium West Blue Lot, the Stadium Red Lot and the Soccer/Softball Complex Lots.
Employees who utilize the impacted lots may also park in any other K Lot listed above, as well as any designated E lot. E lots in the vicinity include the Orange Lot, at the corner of University and Alumni Drives, and the Green Lot, adjacent to the Oswald Building.
PTS has been actively working on several other mitigation efforts to maximize efficiencies of the Orange Lot. This week, PTS staff added approximately 14 spaces, with an additional eight spaces to be added in the immediate future; these spaces were and will be gained by adding striping in the area that was formerly a painted island.
A campus parking map can be found at Members of the University community who normally park in these areas are encouraged to allow extra time for their commute.
The second and third phases of the project will also impact parking in the Stadium East Blue Lot. On Sunday, March 1, an estimated 182 additional parking spaces will be closed. Finally, at the conclusion of spring semester, an additional 382 spaces will be eliminated, and the east section of the Blue Lot will be permanently closed. Updated and additional information will be communicated as the dates of the latter phases of this construction impact approach.
MEDIA CONTACT: Sarah Geegan, (859) 257-5365;