Kinesiology and Health Promotion Professor Wins Teacher of Year

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Dec. 4, 2018) — Elizabeth Whitney has been selected by the Kentucky Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance as the 2018-2019 College/University Teacher of the Year for Health Education. She was honored at the association’s annual convention in Lexington and will be the state’s nominee for the national teaching award.
As an assistant professor at the University of Kentucky College of Education, Whitney’s research interests are in the area of child/adolescent health, bullying prevention, psychosocial school climate, K-12 health education curriculum development and teacher education pedagogy. She teaches Health in the Elementary School (KHP 380), Planning and Implementing Health Education Programs (KHP 330), Workshop in Health and Safety: Youth Violence (KHP 509), and Introduction to Health Education/Promotion (KHP 270).
Whitney received her doctoral degree in health education and promotion with a concentration in school health from Kent State University.