May 1 Is Important Deadline for Admitted UK Freshmen
LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 30, 2014) — May 1 is an important date for incoming freshmen who have been admitted to the University of Kentucky for the Fall 2014 semester.
Thursday, May 1, is the deadline for incoming freshmen to confirm their summer advising conferences. During these conferences, which begin June 23, faculty and staff work with new students to help them register for classes and provide an introduction to campus life at UK.
The advising conference confirmation is also the official way students notify UK they will attend beginning in the fall. Students must set up their Link Blue account and log into myUK to complete the confirmation process. Instructions for this process can be found here.
Incoming freshmen are also strongly encouraged to apply for housing by May 1. In order for incoming freshmen to be reasonably sure that housing will be available for them in the fall, it is important for them to apply before April 30.
For more information on campus housing, call 859-257-1866, e-mail, or click here.
For more information on how to confirm your summer advising conference, call 859-257-3256, e-mail, or click here.
For a complete checklist of everything students should do after being accepted to attend UK, click here.
Watch the video below to discover what it's like to "see blue." as a UK student.
Video Produced by UK Public Relations and Marketing. To view captions for this video, push play and click on the CC icon in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. If using a mobile device, click the "thought bubble" icon in the same area.
MEDIA CONTACT: Amy Jones-Timoney, (859) 257-2940,