Nominations Sought for Sustainability Awards

LEXINGTON, Ky., (March 10, 2011) – The University of Kentucky’s Tracy Farmer Institute for Sustainability and the Environment is seeking nominations for several sustainability-related honors to be awarded at its second annual research showcase.
“The natural resources responsible for ecosystem function and services that underpin human health and well-being are under extreme pressure globally. There is great urgency for reversing these trends and implementing sustainable systems in all aspects of human activity,” said Paul Bertsch, director of the Tracy Farmer Institute.
“The Global Sustainability Prize recognizes individuals who are at the forefront of leading transformational changes that promote sustainability. This global prize, as well as the statewide prizes, reflects the commitment of our administration, faculty and student body to make UK a leader in sustainability science and policy,” said Bertsch.
Nominees for the UK Global Sustainability Award should have a longstanding record of sustainable contributions that impact the world and engage in activities that have helped shape public policy.
The UK Corporate Sustainability Award is for Kentucky-based companies or those with a presence in the state. Winners will be chosen based on societal, economic, environmental and corporate sustainability criteria. The award is given in two categories based on the company’s size.
The UK Sustainability Service Award is given to a Kentuckian or Kentucky-based organization that has a record of exceptional service and has made a lasting impact at the local, regional and/or state level.
Nominators or nominees for these awards do not need to have an affiliation with the university or the institute.
The institute is also accepting applications for faculty and student research posters that will be displayed during the showcase. Awards will be given for the top graduate and undergraduate student posters.
Award and poster deadlines vary. For more information or to nominate someone, visit the Tracy Farmer Institute website at and click on the TFISE Showcase tab. Awards will be presented at the showcase in November. More information about the showcase will be available in the coming months.