'One Day for UK' is Today
Video produced by UK Office of Philanthropy. To view captions for this video, push play and click on the CC icon in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. If using a mobile device, click on the "thought bubble" in the same area.
LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 21, 2022) — For 24 hours, the University of Kentucky is encouraging donors around the world to give to the college, unit or cause they care most about at UK. The fourth annual "One Day for UK" giving day began at midnight and will continue until the calendar turns to April 22.
Since UK’s inaugural giving day in 2019, "One Day for UK" has raised $6,964,305. The third “One Day for UK” event broke records for most gifts and most money raised. Donors made 3,639 gifts that totaled $3,251,169.
This year’s giving day theme is “Come Together.”
“We are excited that ‘One Day for UK’ is finally here,” said Andrew Palmer, UK’s director of annual giving. “We look forward to seeing how the UK community will come together to make a significant impact upon our students, programs, research and more.”
A complete list of colleges, units and causes that are participating in “One Day for UK” can be found online at www.onedayforuk.uky.edu.
The UK Office of Philanthropy is hosting events across campus where the campus community learn more about “One Day for UK” and receive free commemorative items. Look for tables at these locations:
- Outside the Gatton Student Center (Avenue of Champions side) from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
- Outside White Hall Classroom Building from 9-11 a.m.
- Outside the Mining & Mineral Research building from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
UK Dining is partnering in the day by encouraging students to donate flex dollars for meal swipes. From 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Fresh Food Company at The 90, and from 5-8 p.m. in front of Champions Kitchen, students can swipe their UK ID to donate flex dollars to students in need. When students give $5 in flex dollars on “One Day for UK,” UK Dining will match the gift to provide the cost of one meal swipe, which is $11.
“One Day for UK” supports the university’s comprehensive campaign Kentucky Can: The 21st Century Campaign, which increases opportunities for student success, funds innovative research, improves health care, strengthens the alumni network and enhances athletic programs. Now, with more $1.7 billion raised toward the $2.1 billion goal, Kentucky Can benefits from every gift.
Visit the "One Day for UK" website to make a gift and track our progress.
To join the online conversation, follow #OneDayforUK on all social media platforms.