Pharmacy Faculty to Attend Thai Consortium

LEXINGTON, Ky. (May 31, 2011) — Faculty members from the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy will take part in an international conference exploring the collaborative efforts of pharmacy education in the United States and Thailand. The U.S.-Thai consortium will take place June 1-3 in Patong Beach, Phuket, Thailand.
Melody Ryan, associate professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science, and Robert Yokel, provost distinguished service professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, served on the steering committee that planned the meeting. As a result of their participation, Ryan hosted a faculty member from Thailand from Mahidol University in Bangkok for three months in 2010.
"We value the opportunity to deepen our relationships with our Thai colleagues,” said Ryan, who is also Director of International Professional Student Education for the UK College of Pharmacy. “In the future, we hope to develop student exchanges for clinical rotations as well as find collaborators for faculty research."
The U.S.-Thai Consortium will include plenary lectures, invited lectures and poster presentations on clinical pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacy education and social and administrative pharmacy.