Signs Encourage Pedestrian Safety at Intersections

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 30, 2016) — A new campaign across campus encourages pedestrians to be more aware of their surroundings at busy intersections.
University of Kentucky Occupational Health and Safety and UK Human Resources (HR) have collaborated on placing signs on the ground at intersections and crosswalks to remind pedestrians who might be looking down at their phones to watch for traffic.
“If you watch our students, staff, really anyone walking on campus, you see a lot of people with their heads down,” said Chris Dudley, HR manager for Workers Compensation, Long-Term Disability and Family Medical Leave. “We have had accidents, and we have a lot of near misses.”
Dudley noted that construction has many people on campus taking alternate routes where they might not be as familiar with traffic patterns.
The goal of the campaign is simple, Dudley said: “Look up, pay attention, stay safe.”
Michele Laur, safety specialist with UK Occupational Health and Safety, created the 9-by-11-inch signs that adhere to concrete. More than 50 signs are currently at high-traffic areas, including near UK HealthCare and in student housing areas.
“Our campus has a variety of ways to travel throughout in addition to walking, such as mopeds, bicycles, buses, cars and golf carts,” Laur said. “Checking the crosswalk in both directions prior to crossing and being aware of your surroundings is key to your safety.”
Occupational Health and Safety and Human Resources will also collaborate on a pedestrian safety initiative for the upcoming winter season.