A&S Summer Online Classes Still Have Space

LEXINGTON, Ky. (June 8, 2011) − Today is the deadline to register for the University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences online classes for the 8-week summer term. Although the first 4-week session has ended, UK's 8-week summer session begins on June 9, and the 6-week session begins June 23. For more information, visit the A&S website at http://www.as.uky.edu/online-education/courses.
As technology has changed, so has the way courses are offered. Ted Higgs, an instructor and supervisor of teaching assistants in the University of Kentucky's Department of Modern and Classical, Languages, Literatures and Cultures, has been involved with correspondence classes since his days in Vietnam, where he first took an Algebra 1 class through the mail.
Higgs taught correspondence classes from a base in Italy a few years later. That second time around, he utilized a fax machine.
"People have been taking long distance classes for years," he said. "We're doing the same things, but the Internet has made things much easier."
Higgs taught classical literature in translation, medical terminology, as well as a mythology course online with the College of Arts and Sciences last summer and is enthusiastic about teaching again this year. "I've had great reception from my students, and I think the fact that the college has expanded the number of classes offered says a lot," Higgs said. "Technology has come so far that I feel my courses are fully equal to those I teach in the classroom."
For students looking to take advantage of the possible opportunity to graduate early or pick up another minor, A&S has doubled its online courses offered for 2011, moving from 28 courses to 53.
"We are really excited about our summer online courses, and we think that UK students will benefit from the interesting and engaging classes our faculty have been working hard to develop," said Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs Anna Bosch.
This year's course catalogue for the summer sessions gives students greater variety in topics, ranging from basic courses such as Survey of British Literature and U.S. History, to more uncommon courses in Intro to Appalachian Studies and Intro to Linguistics.
General education courses are offered, as well as major requirements; about half are 100-level classes, with the other half at 200- and 300-level.
"We were teaching students from all over the world last year," said Higgs. "The fact that you can set your own schedule, retain a full-time job and pick up credits that you need to fill out the major requirements is really a great thing for our students."
Students who are still interested in the opportunity to take an online course during either of the remaining summer sessions are encouraged to go online and review the courses on the course list at the College of Arts and Sciences Online Ed page. The page gives insight and instruction, but also a chance to read success stories from fellow A&S students and graduates.
"We think that online classes are particularly useful to students who want to live back at home and have a summer job," said Bosch. "The online format allows students to do their class work at their own pace and at the time of day that best suits them."