UK Board Approves New Diversity Plan for the University

LEXINGTON, Ky. (June 14, 2011) — The University of Kentucky is renewing its commitment to diversity and inclusion at the state’s flagship university.
“A lively diverse and inclusive UK campus has been my goal since I returned to my alma mater as its president a decade ago,” said retiring President Lee T. Todd Jr. “A commitment to diversity was included in the first Strategic Plan we approved in 2003, and that commitment has never wavered. I am proud to see that those goals will thrive at this institution many years beyond my tenure as its leader.”
Today, the UK Board of Trustees approved the university’s 2011-2015 Diversity Plan, a document developed by faculty, staff and administrators that identifies where the institution has been and where it is going to assure an atmosphere of successful inclusiveness on campus.
“Development of the University of Kentucky 2011-2015 Diversity Plan has been a lengthy and very detailed process involving a countless number of faculty, staff and administrators,” said Terry Allen, associate vice president for Institutional Equity. “The ultimate goal is consistency in providing opportunities that contribute to the University of Kentucky becoming an inclusive and welcoming postsecondary education institution.”
“The symbolic nature of this 2011-2015 Diversity Plan officially moves the University of Kentucky and other state public postsecondary education institutions from 30 years of remedial equal opportunity planning into the diversity arena,” said Allen.
The plan focuses on:
- Diversity in undergraduate as well as graduate student enrollment
- Student success in the areas of retention, graduation rates and degrees conferred
- Workforce diversity for faculty, staff and administrators
- Campus climate to include comprehensive assessment of strategies and best practices in support of the diversity plan
Several UK leaders who focus on diversity issues have spoken out in support of the new UK diversity plan, including Judy “JJ” Jackson, UK vice president for Institutional Diversity.
“It reflects our concept of diversity by embracing all human differences, because in those differences – that diversity – is our strength,” said Jackson. “Our goal is to ensure that everyone has an equitable opportunity to fulfill their dreams of coming to the University of Kentucky and to share in our celebration of those differences.”
The UK 2011-2015 Diversity Plan is written in compliance with the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) statewide diversity policy – Kentucky Public Postsecondary Education Diversity Policy and Framework for Institutional Diversity Plan Development. It sets forth objectives in student enrollment and retention consistent with the 2009-2014 UK Strategic Plan and employment objectives as specified in the annual UK Affirmative Action Plan. It must comply with parameters defined by the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education Diversity Policy and Kentucky Equal Opportunity Administrative Regulation 13 KAR 2:060 proposed revisions by CPE.
The plan has already been reviewed, revised and approved by the CPE Diversity Plan Review Team. On June 9 the CPE Committee on Equal Opportunities reviewed and accepted UK’s plan, one of the last steps in the approval process. Now that the UK Board of Trustees has approved the document, with President Todd’s recommendation, it will be submitted for final approval by the full CPE.
To read the entire proposed diversity plan, click here. For more information, visit (Appendix 1) (Appendix 2) and (Appendix 3)
After the document has received full approval, the plan can be reviewed at
MEDIA CONTACT: Gail Hairston, (859) 257-3302, ext. 235;
Kathy Johnson, (859) 257-3303, ext. 251;