UK Faculty, Students, Alumni and Staff Stories Garner Attention in 2013
Videos Produced by UK Public Relations and Marketing.
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Jan. 8, 2014) – University of Kentucky students, faculty, staff and alumni impacted the state, country and world in 2013. Their stories posted on UKNow and shared via social media outlets such as Facebook and YouTube drew the attention of readers and viewers from around the globe.
Readers and viewers watched and read everything from new residence halls opening up to the journey of a UK musical group on national television to the effort Wildcat cheerleaders put forth to keep their tradition of success going.
Before moving forward to 2014, take a moment to reflect on the University of Kentucky-related stories that captured the hearts and minds of thousands.
Below you will find the University of Kentucky's Top 10 stories in 2013 from YouTube ranked by number of views.
1-UK Cheerleading Goes for its 20th National Title
2-President Eli Capilouto Announces Big Blue Nation United
3-Joe B. Hall Reveals History of UK’s Madness
4-“see blue.” At the University of Kentucky
5-UK's acoUstiKats on NBC's "The Sing Off"
6-UK Student-Athletes Reflect on Life Changing Service Trip to Ethiopia
7-Happy Holidays to the University of Kentucky Family
8-UK Alum Is Part of Basketball History as 1st Fan in eRUPPtion Zone
9-The Voice of UK's Commonwealth Stadium: Who Does That?
10-New Residence Halls Open to University of Kentucky Students