Dutch Spatial Planning Leader Lectures

LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 22, 2009) − The University of Kentucky College of Design welcomes Henk Ovink, director of National Spatial Planning for the Netherlands, to speak as part of the UK College of Design Lecture Series. The lecture is scheduled for 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 24, in 209 Pence Hall. The lecture is free and open to the public.
As director for National Spatial Planning and of Research, Design and Strategy at the Dutch Ministry of Environment, Henk Ovink is responsible for all aspects of the spatial planning process including strategy, design, and research and development. He directly consults on the long term strategy and policy for Randstad 2040, the new Architecture Policy, the new Planning Act, and the Research and Development Agenda. In addition, he advises chairs at University of Utrecht on planning issues and at the Technical University Delft on design and politics.
During Ovink's stay, he also will serve as a featured speaker at the UK College of Design's "Design+Politics Symposium," a day-long symposium on the role design plays in national, regional and local governments. The symposium is scheduled for March 27, at the Lexington Public Library - Central Library. This event is also free and open to the public.
For more information on the Henk Ovink lecture, contact the UK College of Design at (859) 257-7617 or visit their Web site at www.uky.edu/design.