Office of Work Life Recognizes 2016 Supervisor of the Year


LEXINGTON, Ky. (May 3, 2016) — Each year, the University of Kentucky Office of Work-Life recognizes supervisors who have been nominated by their direct reports and colleagues for the Supervisor of the Year Award. This award is in place to formally recognize supervisors who are highly regarded by their employees for creating a work environment that enables their team's success and encourages work-life effectiveness. 

This year, the honor was awarded to the following individuals and nominees.   2016 Supervisor of the Year Award winners include:

Angela Dalton-Tibbetts, Practice Manager III, General Surgery Dalton-Tibbetts was nominated because she is “a leader, mentor and inspiration.” Another nomination noted her focus on her team and patients: “She is genuinely focused on recognizing individual contributions, while also reinforcing the comprehensive goal and purpose of the General Surgery Clinic’s role in providing quality patient outcomes and positive patient experiences.” Additionally, nominations noted, “the attention she dedicates to her providers, staff and patients is one to be a model for UK excellence.”

Kristy McMillan, Radiology Technical Manager II, Imaging ServicesMcMillan was nominated by her team because “she is always thinking about her staff and patients and how to improve everything that surrounds them.” Her team also appreciated that “she is right there with us when we are in the ‘trenches’ and praising us for our great work when we are at the top.” And as one member of her team noted, “I am and will forever be grateful for the opportunity that I was given to work with her.”

2016 Supervisor of the Year nominees include:

  • James Allen IV, Community and Economic Development of Kentucky (CEDIK)
  • Kahlil Baker, Martin Luther King Center
  • Nina Barnes, Cancer Services - Inpatient
  • Todd Cheever, Medical Education
  • Linda Combs, Surgery
  • Rob Edwards, EVPHA Administration
  • Janell Hacker, Pediatrics - Neonatology
  • Jennifer Haynes, Pediatrics
  • Sarah Hermsmeier, Office of Student Involvement
  • Daniel Hogue, CKMS
  • Meg Marquis, Honors Program
  • Carlos Marin, Area Health Education Center
  • Huajing Maske, Office of China Initiatives and Confucius Institute
  • Barb McHone, Compensation
  • Cameron Morrison, Physical Plant - Medical Center
  • Ryan J. Pennington, Imaging Services
  • Joe Reed, Internal Audit
  • Ernie L. Scott, Center for Excellence in Rural Health
  • Jillianne Smith, Alumni Association
  • Annette Smith, Gill Heart Institute
  • Ben Smith, Surgical IBU
  • Mary Kathryn Starkey, Advanced Analytics Team – UK Analytics and Technology
  • Nikki Stone, College of Dentistry and Mobile Dental Outreach Program, Hazard

The Office of Work-Life appreciates each person who nominated their supervisor or a peer for this year’s award. Congratulations to all of this year’s winners and nominees. Nominations for the 2017 award will open in February 2017.

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MEDIA CONTACT: Blair Hoover, 859-257-6398;