UK Selected as Churchill Foundation Scholarship Institution

“It's wonderful to be able to offer this prestigious graduate opportunity for UK students in science, math and engineering who have performed at the highest level in both their academics and research,” Pat Whitlow, director of UK’s Office of Nationally Competitive Awards, said. “UK is allowed to nominate two students and so we are currently developing a campus selection process. Application materials will be due in early October.”
The Churchill Foundation’s scholarship program offers students of exceptional ability and outstanding achievement the opportunity to pursue graduate studies in engineering, mathematics or the sciences at Cambridge. One of the 31 colleges at the University of Cambridge, Churchill College was built as the national and Commonwealth tribute to Sir Winston Churchill, who in the years after the World War II presciently recognized the growing importance of science and technology for prosperity and security.
An applicant for the Churchill Scholarship must be a citizen of the United States, either native born or naturalized, and must be a senior who is enrolled in one of the institutions participating in the scholarship program or a student who has graduated from one of those institutions within the past 12 months. Upon taking up the Churchill Scholarship, a Churchill Scholar must hold a bachelor's degree or an equivalent, and may not have attained a doctorate.
Other criterion for Churchill Scholars include:
· Outstanding academic achievement, especially in the major, as indicated by course grades. The foundation does not require a minimum GPA, but recent Churchill Scholars have had a GPA of at least 3.7 and usually have 3.9 or above.
· Proven talent in research and a capacity to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the sciences, engineering or mathematics by pursuing original, creative work at an advanced level as demonstrated by awards, prizes, research and letters of recommendation.
· Outstanding personal qualities. Understanding the time commitment required by research, the Churchill Foundation does not seek so-called “well rounded” applicants; instead, it seeks applicants with what the foundation calls interesting “jagged edges.” Successful applicants display a bewildering array of talents and activities outside of academic pursuits, especially in music, athletics, social service, among other activities.
UK students interested in the Churchill Scholarship may apply through the university’s Office of Nationally Competitive Awards. Part of the Academy for Undergraduate Excellence within the Division of Undergraduate Education, the office assists current UK undergraduate and graduate students and recent alumni in applying for external scholarships and fellowships funded by sources (such as a nongovernment foundation or government agency) outside the university. These major awards honor exceptional students across the nation. Students who are interested in these opportunities are encouraged to begin work with Pat Whitlow at the Office of Nationally Competitive Awards well in advance of the scholarship deadline.
UK is the University for Kentucky. At UK, we are educating more students, treating more patients with complex illnesses and conducting more research and service than at any time in our 150-year history. To read more about the UK story and how you can support continued investment in your university and the Commonwealth, go to: #uk4ky #seeblue
MEDIA CONTACT: Whitney Hale, 859-257-8716;