ISSS Offers Intercultural Training to Faculty and Staff

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 13, 2013) — The International Student and Scholars Services (ISSS) is offering a course to help UK faculty and staff foster a deeper understanding of the cultures represented at the University of Kentucky. The Intercultural Training course will be held twice in November -- Nov. 18 and 21.
Karen Slaymaker, assistant director of ISSS, who will teach the course, describes it as a hands-on training of best practices for engaging and understanding international students inside and outside the classroom.
“Our international students come from over 100 different countries and represent a vast array of cultures, religions and different perspectives,” Slaymaker said. “Intercultural Training helps all of us to become aware of the important role that culture plays on the way we think, act and learn.”
The Intercultural Training courses will take place:
Monday, Nov. 18
1 - 3 p.m.
220 Scovell Hall, Suite 2
Thursday, Nov. 21
9 - 11 a.m.
220 Scovell Hall, Suite 2
Course registration is available in the employee self-service tab of the myUK portal.
To register:
- Login to myUK. select Employee Self Service tab
- Under Employee Services, select Training
- Under Course Catalog, select UK International Center
- In the Assigned Subject Areas, select Intercultural Training
- In the course date section, find the class date/time you would like to attend and select To Registration, and then select Book Course
"Intercultural competency is something we need all of the time, especially with the ever increasing number of undergraduate international students at UK," said Elizabeth Leibach, director of ISSS. “We always need to update our skills based on the current needs of our international student population.”
ISSS provides leadership and expertise in the advising and immigration needs of more than 1,900 international students and more than 500 international faculty, staff and exchange visitors. ISSS also administers university compliance with evolving federal regulations, supports the university and its medical center by managing global student and scholar interactions, and facilitates the well-being of all international students, faculty, staff and scholars.
For more information, contact Elizabeth Leibach, director of ISSS, at