Vote for Lexington!

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 20, 2013) -- The finish line is approaching for the Bloomberg Mayors Challenge, a competition for the best ideas to improve cities.

Lexington’s entry, CitizenLex, is competing against ideas from 19 other cities nationwide. With exceedingly generous prizes at stake, Mayor Jim Gray reminded Lexington’s citizens today to vote for the hometown favorite, CitizenLex, an especially effective program created by Lexington citizens for Lexington citizens.

Starting at 1 p.m. today, go online to vote for Lexington’s CitizenLex. Voting extends through March 6 at

“Tell your friends, tell your family, use Facebook and Twitter, tell everyone … Vote Lexington!” said Mayor Gray. is a platform that connects willing volunteers with city data and reports that identify problems, aggregate ideas and solutions from other citizens, and finally connect with possible grants. 

CitizenLex helps citizens make the changes they want. Rather than just another engagement platform, in which people make suggestions to the city or the city seeks citizen input on pre-selected issues, this platform encourages citizens to identify their problem and then find a solution - with help from the city.
Through  projects are facilitated by two city innovation directors, project leaders, and a network of volunteer innovation mentors, who will provide expert coaching and peer support. 
City leaders and elected officials often say they want a framework for continuous innovation that engages a broader population. CitizenLex is that framework, with the potential to transform city governments into champions of change ... instead of champions of red tape. 

For more information on CitizenLex, click here.