9 UK Faculty Members Participate in SEC Travel Program

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (Oct. 30, 2018) — The SEC (Southeastern Conference) Faculty Travel Program will support more than 100 SEC faculty members during the 2018-2019 academic year, the league office announced Monday. Nine University of Kentucky faculty members will participate. Established in 2012 by the SEC provosts, the program is designed to provide financial assistance from the SEC office that bolsters intra-SEC collaboration.

Identified participants will travel to other SEC universities to exchange ideas, develop grant proposals, conduct research and deliver lectures or performances. Areas of interest for this year’s class include music, engineering, anthropology, law, medicine and African-American studies, among others.

“The SEC Faculty Travel Program has been a tremendous resource for faculty at universities across the SEC,” said Ellen Reames, associate professor at Auburn University and former program participant. “It gives us the opportunity to work with colleagues in our field of study throughout the region. It is a very powerful tool for SEC universities.”

Past program participants have been invited to present their research at conferences, been awarded competitive grants and others have secured publications in leading journals. 

“As a researcher, it’s great to know that the SEC is behind us and supports what we want to do,” said Susan Loveall-Hague, assistant professor of communication sciences and disorders at the University of Mississippi and former program participant.

The SEC Faculty Travel Program is one of several academic endeavors designed to support the teaching, research, service and economic development focus of the SEC’s 14 member universities. 

The UK faculty members participating are:

Click here for a full list of 2018-19 SEC Faculty Travel Program participants.