Capiloutos Prepare for Start of Fall Semester, Too

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 24, 2011) – Like students readying themselves for college for the first time, new UK President Eli Capilouto and Dr. Mary Lynne Capilouto are excitedly preparing for their freshman years at the University of Kentucky.
“I’m most excited about these new academic programs that our faculty have been working on all year,” said Capilouto, who started as UK’s 12th president on July 1. “They’ve worked for years to make sure our new core curriculum (UK Core) is going to best prepare these students for the 21st century jobs that they’re going to have to create and invent … just watching (students) progress during the year and knowing that when they leave us, they’re going to be great citizens.”
The Capiloutos have been preparing themselves in the run up to the start of the semester. President Capilouto has embarked on “campus conversations” – lengthy meetings in each college on campus, where he engages in in-depth discussions with deans, faculty and staff about the future of the university. In addition, he has traveled throughout the state, talking with legislators, policy-makers, community leaders and alumni about their dreams for UK as well.
For her part, Mary Lynne Capilouto has embraced living on campus, where she is often seen walking their dogs, Gracie and Daisy, and taking in campus events. With some inside knowledge, she’s already talking up the football team, which kicks off the season Sept. 1.
“I went to the football clinic that they have for women, and I got to hear all about their plans for the season,” Dr. Capilouto said. “I go and watch the football team practice when I walk my dogs, so I’m optimistic about our year.”
The Capiloutos also are enthusiastically taking part in K Week activities to mark the start of the school year, helping parents and new students move into the residence halls and helping learn and lead cheers during Big Blue U last weekend.
“I noticed all summer how many people worked on (K Week) to make sure it’s going to be a great and memorable day for our students and their families, and it’s coming out to be that way,” President Capilouto said Friday morning while greeting new students and their families. “We’re just so happy to be a part of it and see the University of Kentucky heart that’s on display here today.”