New Regulations Announced

LEXINGTON, Ky. (May 27, 2011) — The University of Kentucky Office of the President is pleased to announce the issuance of the following new or revised Governing Regulations (GR) and Administrative Regulations (AR).
GR, Part II, GOVERNANCE OF THE UNIVERSITY: This revised Governing Regulation provides a process and requirements for members of the University community and the general public to address the Board on matters relevant to the University. Administrative Regulation 1:2, Policy Relative to Requests for Appearances Before the Board of Trustees, adopted by the Board of Trustees in 1970, is retired. Petitions to Address the Board of Trustees and more information can be found at:
AR 1:6, FORMULATION AND ISSUANCE OF UNIVERSITY GOVERNING AND ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS: This new Administrative Regulation outlines the process by which the University develops, revises, approves, issues, and maintains official university regulations. Additionally, this regulation defines the roles and responsibilities of the participants in the regulations process and formally establishes the Regulation Review Committee.
AR 3:7, FACULTY SALARY CONVERSION RELATED TO CHANGE IN ASSIGNMENT PERIOD: This Administrative Regulation is revised reflect the current University administrative organizational structure and new regulations format.
AR 4:1, REGISTRATION OF STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS: This regulation is revised to clarify the policies that apply to Registered Student Organizations. The regulation provides the procedures and requirements for registration by a student group, as well as the criteria for approval.
AR 6:7, POLICY ON DISCLOSURE OF CAMPUS SECURITY AND CRIME STATISTICS: This revised Administrative Regulation implements recent changes to the federal Jeanne Cleary Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) and the state Michael Minger Act (Minger Act). The revisions define the responsibilities of the University Fire Marshall, and update the types of crimes which must be reported to University officials.
AR 6:8, SUSTAINABILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE: This Administrative Regulation establishes a campus-wide advisory committee that focuses and coordinates the University activities within the broad meaning of “sustainability”. The revisions clarify the Committee’s mission and responsibilities, as well as makes changes to the Committee membership.
AR 6:10, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY HAZING PREVENTION POLICY: This new Administrative Regulation establishes the University’s policy prohibiting hazing activities by any member of the University community. In compliance with Kentucky law, the policy applies to the conduct of students, volunteers, organizations and groups, faculty and staff, and visitors and invitees to the campus. The regulation defines hazing and outlines the requirements for reporting hazing or suspected hazing activities.
This new Administrative Regulation establishes polices and best practices for employees who participate in social media on behalf of the University. This policy applies to all types of social media, including but not limited to: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Second Life, etc. The regulation provides the corrective and disciplinary actions for non-compliance with the policy.
Please familiarize yourself with these new and revised regulations. If you are a supervisor, please communicate this information to all relevant faculty or staff. The complete administrative regulation library, including the list of recently revised or new regulations, may be found at Questions about these or other regulations should be directed to the Office of Legal Counsel at (859) 257-2936, or